Přestože polyploidizace hraje významnou roli v evoluci rostlin, úspěšnému uchycení nových polyploidních mutantů v přírodě často brání reprodukční interakce s jejich diploidními předky. V českých populacích heřmánkovce nevonného (Tripleurospermum inodorum) jsme hledali mechanismy umožňující koexistenci diploidů s polyploidy a studovali evoluční důsledky jejich vzájemných křížení.

K dalšímu čtení v Živě

Co se skrývá za rostlinnou průtokovou cytometrií (2005, 1)

Darwinova „odporná záhada“ po 130 letech aneb souvisí polyploidie s rozmanitostí krytosemenných rostlin? (2009, 5)

Co je nového v biologii. Genomy a evoluce masožravých rostlin (2021, 2)

Použitá a citovaná literatura

BADUEL, Pierre, et al. The “Polyploid Hop”: shifting challenges and opportunities over the evolutionary lifespan of genome duplications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 6: 117.

ČERTNER, Martin, et al. Evolutionary dynamics of mixed-ploidy populations in an annual herb: dispersal, local persistence and recurrent origins of polyploids. Annals of Botany, 2017, 120.2: 303-315.

ČERTNER, Martin, et al. Evolutionary dynamics of mixed-ploidy populations in an annual herb: dispersal, local persistence and recurrent origins of polyploids. Annals of Botany, 2017, 120.2: 303-315.

KAY, Q. O. N. The origin and distribution of diploid and tetraploid Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Schultz Bip. Watsonia, 1969, 7.3: 130-141.

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KOLÁŘ, Filip, et al. Mixed-ploidy species: progress and opportunities in polyploid research. Trends in Plant Science, 2017, 22.12: 1041-1055.

LAFON-PLACETTE, Clément, et al. Endosperm-based hybridization barriers explain the pattern of gene flow between Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis arenosa in Central Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114.6: E1027-E1035.

LEVIN, Donald A. The role of chromosomal change in plant evolution. Oxford University Press, 2002.

RAMSEY, Justin; SCHEMSKE, Douglas W. Pathways, mechanisms, and rates of polyploid formation in flowering plants. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 1998, 29.1: 467-501.

RICE, Anna, et al. The Chromosome Counts Database (CCDB)–a community resource of plant chromosome numbers. New Phytologist, 2015, 206.1: 19-26.

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Though polyploidization is an important evolutionary force in plants, the successful establishment of new polyploid mutants is often constrained by their reproductive in­teractions with diploid progenitors. We searched for mechanisms facilitating diploid–polyploid coexistence, and studied the evolutionary consequences of inter-ploidy crosses in Czech populations of the Scentless Mayweed (Tripleurospermum inodoru).