Komby obývají lesnaté oblasti subsaharské Afriky. Jejich malá morfologická rozmanitost a noční způsob života do značné míry ovlivnily naše pozvolné poznávání těchto poloopic. Noční život je však do velké míry odkázal na akustickou komunikaci, která se nám při tom stala mocným nástrojem. Hlasitá kontaktní volání nám pomáhají identifikovat jinak mnohdy těžko rozlišitelné druhy a prozradí leccos o jejich společenském životě, který se jinak ve volné přírodě sleduje velmi nesnadno. Také v lidské péči se vyplatí kombám naslouchat, charakteristické hlasy doprovázejí šarvátky, námluvy a páření nebo prozradí přítomnost nově narozeného mláděte.

Citovaná a použitá literatura:

BEARDER, Simon K., et al. Species-typical patterns of infant contact, sleeping site use and social cohesion among nocturnal primates in Africa. Folia Primatologica, 2003, 74.5-6: 337-354.

BEARDER, Simon K.; BUTYNSKI, Thomas M.; DE JONG, Yvonne A. Vocal profiles for the galagos: a tool for identification. Primate Conservation, 2013, 2013.27: 75-75.

BEARDER, Simon K.; HONESS, Paul E.; AMBROSE, Lesley. Species diversity among galagos with special reference to mate recognition. In: Creatures of the Dark. Springer, Boston, MA, 1995. p. 331-352.

BECKER, Michelle, et al. Infant response to mother call patterns in Otolemur garnettii. Folia Primatologica, 2003, 74.5-6: 301-311.

BECKER, Michelle L.; BUDER, Eugene H.; WARD, Jeannette P. Spectrographic description of vocalizations in captive Otolemur garnettii. International Journal of Primatology, 2003, 24.2: 415-446.

BETTRIDGE, Caroline M., et al. Vocal repertoire and intraspecific variation within two loud calls of the small-eared greater galago (Otolemur garnettii) in Tanzania and Kenya. Folia Primatologica, 2019, 90.5: 319-335.

GÉNIN, Fabien, et al. A new galago species for South Africa (Primates: Strepsirhini: Galagidae). African Zoology, 2016, 51.3: 135-143.

MASTERS, Judith C., et al. A new genus for the eastern dwarf galagos (Primates: Galagidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017, 181.1: 229-241.

POZZI, Luca, et al. Species Boundaries within Morphologically Cryptic Galagos: Evidence from Acoustic and Genetic Data. Folia Primatologica, 2019, 90.5: 279-299.

SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Irena., ČERNÁ BOLFÍKOVÁ, Barbora., BRANDL, Pavel. Hlasová aktivita komb ušatých (Galago senegalensis) chovaných v zoologické zahradě [Vocal activity of Senegal bush babies (Galago senegalensis) kept in zoo]. Gazella 2014, 41: 55–71.

SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Irena, et al. Northern lesser galagos (Galago senegalensis) increase the production of loud calls before and at dawn. Primates, 2020, 1-8.

SVENSSON, Magdalena S., et al. A giant among dwarfs: a new species of galago (Primates: Galagidae) from Angola. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2017, 163.1: 30-43.

ZIMMERMANN, Elke. The vocal repertoire of the adult Senegal bushbaby (Galago senegalensis senegalensis). Behaviour, 1985, 94.3-4: 212-233.

Galagos (Primates: Galagonidae) occur in savanna and woodland of sub-Saharan Africa. Their low morphological variabi­lity and nocturnal activity significantly affected our slowly growing knowledge of these prosimians. Due to their nocturnal activity, they strongly rely on acoustic communication which has become a power­ful research tool. Loud calls can help us to identify cryptic species and to reveal their social life, which can only be studied in the wild with difficulty. Moreover, there are certain benefits to listening to galagos in human care too. Typical calls usually accompany fights, courtship and mating and can reveal the presence of a newborn.