Vnitrodruhová variabilita v chování zvířat, tj. personalita, výrazně ovlivňuje ekologické i evoluční procesy. V tomto článku se pojednává o tom, jak může personalita vzniknout u pavouků a její vliv na potravní sítě.

Citovaná a doporučená literatura:
MICHALKO, R., PEKÁR, S. Is different degree of individual specialization in three spider species caused by distinct selection pressures? Basic and Applied Ecology. 2014, 15(6), s. 496–506.
MICHALKO, R. PEKÁR, S. Niche partitioning and niche filtering jointly mediate the coexistence of three closely related spider species (Araneae, Philodromidae). Ecological Entomology. 2015, 40(1), s. 22–33.
PRUITT, J. N., RIECHERT, S. E. The ecological consequences of temperament in spiders. Current Zoology. 2012, 58(8), s. 589–596.
SIH, A., COTE, J., EVANS, M., FOGARTY, S., PRUITT, J. Ecological implications of behavioural syndromes. Ecology Letters. 2012, 15(3), s. 278–289.

Inter-individual behavioural differences, i.e. personalities, play a very important role in eco-evolutionary processes. Here, we describe how spiders’ personalities arise and how they influence the dynamics of food webs.